UI Designer, Artist

About Me


Gavin Marshall

Professional Skills: Technical UI Design, UI Art, UX/UI Design

Creative Hobbies: Digital painting, photography, writing, UI/UX design, music, gaming

I always like to say: “If I’m not sleeping, I’m creating something”. Though the more I think about that, the more I realise how often creativity freely comes to me when I’m dreaming, so I’d say it’s not entirely true.

Growing up in Ireland was a blessing in many ways, but I would say that I never found myself until I spent a couple of years living in Sweden. Moving to the north after university threw me into a culture, language, and way of living that allowed me to forge my own understanding of independence. Not just the one you’re indoctrinated into via your home town.

Change and growth have been constants for me. Which, in a way, is an oxymoron. One thing that has always kept me curious and inspired however is creativity, and people.

I believe in the power of empathy, humility, and a team that feel safe and comfortable working together. If I can leave something behind me when I retire, I hope it’s a few awesome projects that people all over the globe have enjoyed, and teams that felt inspired and secure with me there supporting them.